The Dead House, стр. 22

(MM): No. She just stepped outside. If you want to know what happened, ask that Carly girl. She was there, she must know.

(FH): Thank you, Maggie. You can step outside.

[Scraping of chair]



(FH): [Sigh] Once again it seems that Carly Luanne Johnson is connected to this event. It seems more and more likely that she is somehow directly involved. I recommend continuing the search for Miss Johnson so that she may be questioned before probable sectioning.

[End of tape]


Naida Camera Footage

Saturday, 30 October 2004

Halloween Party Clip #3

Time Index Not Noted

The Dead House - _15.jpg

Several hours have passed, during which Carly has disappeared upstairs and come back down looking annoyed (presumably, as the sun has since set, she is now Kaitlyn), and during which also, Ari Hait has arrived, dressed as Sherlock’s Dr. John H. Watson.

Music blasts from somewhere in the room, sending slight vibrations and noise distortions through the camera. Mike Bowers sits beside Juliet, eyes half-closed. Languidly, he pulls a plastic bag from his vest and dangles it before her eyes. He murmurs something the camera doesn’t catch.

Juliet blushes and giggles.

“What is that?”

Mike turns his attention to Scott. “What is what? This? It’s weed, man. Where have you been?”

“Get that stuff out of here, Bowers. You think Naida needs her cousin’s place smelling like a bloody stoner’s den?”

Mike’s face turns red, and he gets to his feet. “What kind of a dickhead—”

“All right, my people,” Naida drawls, sauntering into the room. “I leave you for a second, and all hell breaks loose. I knew I was something, but never knew I was everything. It’s Halloween! Chill out.”

Kaitlyn mutters something that is not heard by the others. Increasing playback volume allows us to decipher her words: You know we don’t do this Halloween shit in England.

Ari whispers something in her ear, and she smiles.

“Get this moron out of here,” Scott growls, fists clenched.

“For bringing weed?” Mike says. “That’s a joke, mate!”

“You brought weed to my cousin’s house?”

Mike’s aggression wilts a little under Naida’s regard. “Well, yeah.” He holds it up between two fingers, suddenly a tall yet pathetic figure. “I thought—I mean, I didn’t think…”

Naida stares for a moment, and the room seems to hold its breath. “Well, I’ll have me some of that.”

Both Scott and Mike stare at her openmouthed.

Scott steps closer to her. “What?”

Naida takes the bag from Mike, opens it, and sniffs. “It’s a plant, Scott. Relax, okay?”

She winks at Scott, who seems momentarily charmed. Then he remembers Mike, scowls, and storms off.

Mike grins. “Let’s do this. Who else is game?”

Juliet claps her hands. “Me!” Her friend Maggie nods, and Brenda gets to her feet in acquiescence.

The only person unaware of—or uninterested in—the confrontation and the weed sits in steampunk couture on the same leather sofa, engrossed in a conversation with Ari Hait.

Halloween Party Clip #4

“Are you up for, um… marijuana?” Brett says, standing beside Kaitlyn’s chair. Though tall, he seems diminished beside her. Unsure. Ari whispers something in Kaitlyn’s ear, and she laughs, then turns to Brett, distracted.


“Um, marijuana. You want in? Either of you?”

“Oh.” She raises her eyebrows at Ari, who smirks and looks away. “Not for us, thanks, Brett.”

Brett looks more than a little crestfallen. He tries again. “Uh, hey. I haven’t spoken to you in a while.” He steps from foot to foot, holding his plastic cup between both hands.

Kaitlyn stares at him, eyes narrowing. “Huh?”

“How are you?” he asks again.

“I’m… fine. Thanks. How are you?”

Ari leans forward. “Did you want something… specific?”

“I just…” He clears his throat and runs a hand through his hair. “Hadn’t seen Carly in a while, and I wanted to say hi. I didn’t get your name.”

Ari gets to his feet and holds out his hand. “Name’s Ari.”

“Right, from math. Brett.” He shakes Ari’s hand briefly, then glances at Kaitlyn. “You looked a little off the other day. Wanted to make sure you were feeling better.”

Kaitlyn frowns. “I did? Oh… oh, yeah. Thanks, Brett. Much better.”

Ari looks from one to the other and then sits down.

“I better go,” Brett mutters. “See you later, Carly.”

Kaitlyn smiles blandly at him and then turns back to Ari. Brett smiles awkwardly at her back and scratches his ear. He rubs his head, drinking deeply from the plastic cup in his hands before stalking into the kitchen.

“That was weird,” Kaitlyn says, once he is gone.

“So. Carly,” Ari says, grinning. “Care to explain what all of that in the chapel was about?”

Kaitlyn doesn’t say anything.

“Carly? Because… you were talking about missing Carly, and—”

“Don’t call me that. Don’t call me Carly.”

“Why? Everyone calls you Carly.”

“I know. But please don’t ever call me that. Not you. Please.”

“I… okay. Whatever you want.” He hesitates. “What should I call you?”

“I’m not ready to tell you.”

Ari considers her, then smiles. “You’re so beautiful when you’re angry.”

She punches him in the arm but grins anyway.

Halloween Party Clip #5

Later, from the top hat camera, we hear a short, whispered conversation between Brett and Naida.

“What’s up, sugar?” Naida asks, her voice low, the screen jiggling as she walks into what appears to be the kitchen. She faces Brett, who leans against the sink, his hands balled into fists on the edge of the counter.

He shakes his head. “Something’s wrong.”

“What do you mean, ‘something’s wrong’? It’s Halloween! It’s meant to feel spooky.” She wriggles her fingers near his face. “Nobody’s allowed to be down at my party. So come on, spill.”

“She’s not herself. I mean, something’s bothering her. And why’s that guy hanging around her anyway?”

“This is Carly, I take it?”

Brett sighs, shakes his head. His blond hair falls forward, covering his eyes. “I can’t get through to her.”

“She’s like this at night. Broody and all that. She gets a little… cranky. Why not talk to her in the morning? She’ll be better company then.”

“She’s different during the day. Less herself. We share a few classes, and she doesn’t usually want to talk. She avoids me. But I’ve talked to her at night.”

Naida raises an eyebrow. “Oh, aye?”

“This one time, my dad took me to one of his bullshit fund-raisers, and when I got back, I saw her walking across the courtyard. We chatted for a while, and she was so… different. And last year I saw her in the field after dinner, and I decided to say hi. She was more herself. Less closed in.”

After a pause, Naida laughs. “Wow. That’s… complicated. She’s a bad one to fall for, though. I mean it. You’ll get chewed up and spit out. It’s not her fault, but… it’ll happen.”

Brett shakes his head, lips tight. “She’s not like that.”

“Not intentionally, of course not. But she is… oh, aye, she is.” She gestures with her hand. “Split right down the middle, that one. During the day, she’s as sweet as pie. Can’t you just hang out with her then?”

Brett slams the counter and sways slightly. “Whatever, Naida. Maybe you don’t know her as well as you think.”

Naida takes a breath, and the camera tips as though she has leaned against the counter. “Lay off that beer for a while, okay? Looks like you’re going to fall right on your head any second. Forget about her for now. Just enjoy my party. And don’t puke anywhere, or it’ll be the last party I’m allowed to have until I die.”