Исторические приключения - Страница 154

Szkarlatny Kwiat

Orczy Baroness
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Francja czasow Wielkiej Rewolucji. Szaleje terror. Diabelski wynalazek – gilotyna – pozbawia zycia tysiace arystokratow. Lecz oto pojawia sie Szkarlatny Pimpernel. Szlachetny smialek ratuje od smierci niewinnych ludzi, organizujac ich brawurowe ucieczki do Anglii.Wkrotce jednak nad jego glowa zbieraja sie czarne chmury. Piekna Malgorzata St. Just zostaje zmuszona do zdemaskowania tajemniczego bohatera albo… zginie jej brat.To oznacza zdrade ukochanego. Jak postapi Malgorzata? Czy misterny plan agenta rzadu francuskiego zakonczy sie sukcesem?

The Scarlet Pimpernel

Orczy Baroness
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During the Reign of Terror, aristocrats condemned to die are mysteriously disappearing. Rumor has it that this is the work of an elusive band of Englishmen; their leader, the Scarlet Pimpernel.  Marguerite Blakeney, a beautiful French actress lately married to an English baronet, finds herself in a difficult situation. A ruthless agent of the Committee of Public Safety, Citizen Chauvelin, has black-mailed her to help him discover the identity of the Scarlet Pimpernel. Can she save her only brother from death? Will she betray a brave but mysterious hero to his death? Is this the end of the Scarlet Pimpernel?!  
Книга Шпоры на босу ногу

Шпоры на босу ногу

Булыга Сергей Алексеевич
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Роман «Шпоры на босу ногу» с первых же страниц погружает нас в самую гущу героических событий достославного Двенадцатого года. Великая и непобедимая доселе армия Наполеона позорно отступает, подгоняемая лихими наскоками гусарских рейдеров и неожиданными атаками партизанских ватаг. И уже ясно, что ради спасения собственных жизней горе-завоевателям придется расстаться с большей частью захваченной добычи… А еще будут поиски сокровищ Кремля, и страшный разгром арьергарда Армии на Березине, и, конечно, любовь – наперекор воинской присяге, обычаям и даже самой судьбе. Уж так гадалка нагадала, так карты легли – и гусар покорился! Новый историко-авантюрный роман замечательного белорусского писателя Сергея Булыги «Шпоры на босу ногу» можно с полным правом назвать возрождающим славные традиции приключенческого романа в стиле Александра Дюма или Мориса Дрюона.


Clavell James
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Shogun is one of those rare books that you wish would go on forever. Indeed, I know people who re-read it every year. The story follows the adventures of marooned English sailor John Blackthorne in late medieval Japan during the tumultuous years when Tokugawa Ieyasu (here called Toranaga) was uniting all of Japan under his rule by any means necessary. It's truly an epic tale of war, honor, trechery, masterful manipulations, tragic heroism, and star-crossed love.


Изюмский Борис Васильевич
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Сборник исторических повестей о жизни Руси в XI–XIV веках. В книгу вошли повести «Бегство в Соколиный бор», «Соляной шлях», «Град за лукоморьем», «Тимофей с Холопьей улицы» и «Ханский ярлык». Книга иллюстрирована художником Л. Фалиным.

Лесные Всадники

Ромашов Андрей Павлович
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Повесть «Лесные всадники» – самое раннее историческое произведение писателя. В центре повествования – образ маленького шамана, несколько заданный и явно изначально задуманный автором как глубоко отрицательный, в чем сказывается влияние атеистически ориентированного советского мира, окружающего молодого тогда уральского писателя.
Книга Кондратий Рус

Кондратий Рус

Ромашов Андрей Павлович
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В этой повести автор касается сложной и болезненной темы – воинственного противостояния языческого и христианского в сознании коми-пермяков и русичей, пытающихся жить рядом, нередко в одной семье.Драматические конфликты уходят в глубь патриархально-родовых отношений и в сферу борьбы с природой. Русским крестьянам нечего делить с местными «ултырянами», считает герой повести – крестьянин по имени Кондратий Рус. Куда важнее защитить себя от гнуса, голода, холода, потеснить таежную глухомань, чтобы отвоевать у леса пригодные для пахоты участки земли. «Боги у нас разные, а жизнь одна, – наставляет он своих сыновей. – Станем друг другу пакостить – не выживем. Лес задавит, голод убьет».

Прошел караван столетий (сборник)

Моисеева Клара Моисеевна
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В книгу вошли две повести о далеком прошлом народов СССР – «В древнем царстве Урарту» (научная редакция академика Б. Б. Пиотровского), «Звезды мудрого Бируни» (научная редакция Хамди Селяма). Обе повести иллюстрированы цветными рисунками художника И. Архипова.

The Book and The Sword

Yong Jin
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In the Book and Sword, Louis Cha revives the legend about the great eighteenth-century Manchu Emperor Qianlong which claims that he was in fact not a Manchu but a Han Chinese as a result of a "baby swap." The novel is panoramic in scope and includes the fantastical elements for which Cha is well-known: secret societies, kungfu masters, a lost desert city guarded by wolf packs, and the mysterious Fragrant Princess.***Like the martial art heroes that he writes about, Louis Cha is a legend in his own time. Better known to his Chinese fans by his pen name of Jin Yong, Cha is the unrivaled giant of the modern martial arts (wuxia) genre. His novels were initially written for serialization in his own Ming Pao newspaper, which was published in Hong Kong. However, they became so popular that they were reprinted in Chinese newspapers around the world. His novels, which total fourteen, were subsequently published in book form. His accomplishment was magnified by the fact that during this time Mainland China was a literary desert because Communist rigidity only allowed publication of titles that conformed to socialist realism, i.e, it had to help build socialist ideals. Definitely, no room for escapist kung fu adventures there.Alas, in spite of his stature, his works were only accessible to Chinese readers. Although the novels were initially written between 1955 and 1972, it was not until 1997 that the English translation of "The Deer and the Cauldron" was published by Oxford University Press (and that was only the first volume of three!). Although that translation of Cha's last and, many argue, his best novel was excellent, it still left something to be desired because "The Deer and the Cauldron" was not representative of the genre. Therefore, it is with great excitement that we awaited the publication of the "The Book and the Sword", Cha's first novel earlier this year. The novel was initially translated and published on the web by Graham Earnshaw in 2001 but it was picked up by Oxford University Press in 2003 and edited by Rachel May and John Minford. Mindford was the translator for "The Deer and the Cauldron". The book finally became available earlier this year."The Book and the Sword" takes place during the reign of Emperor Qian Long (1735-1795) of the Qing dynasty. The Qing dynasty had been founded by the Manchus almost 100 years earlier. By this time the Manchu rulers, whose homeland was in the north east of present day China, had been thoroughly sinicised. Qian Long himself was a great patron and practitioner of Chinese culture. Nevertheless, there were still resistance groups formed by the Han majority. The story follows one of these secret societies, the Red Flower Society, whose members are determined to overthrow the Qing. The members of the society are a colorful bunch of characters, most of whom are men but they also include several women in their ranks (the woman are all beautiful and deadly, of course). The members come from a cross section of the society but have been brought together by their wilingness to risk life and limb to protect the weak and fight for justice. The newly elected leader of the society, Helmsman Chen, is an unlikely hero whose manners and knowledge reveal a priviledged upbringing as the son of a former prime minister. We join the group as they repeatedly fail to free one of their own, Rolling Thunder Wen, who is being escorted to the capital under heavy guard. Rolling Thunder, you see, happens to know about a deadly secret: that the emperor was actually born to a Han family but swapped with a Manchu baby girl. Helmsman Chen discovers this secret himself soon enough and hopes to convince the emperor himself to evict the Manchus. What Chen doesn't know, however, is that the origin of the emperor is related to his own selection as the leader of the Red Flower Society. Much of the action actually takes place in the western border of China in present day Xinjiang, home of the Uighurs, whom Helmsman Chen befriends and helps on various occasions. Since Qian Long was in the process of bringing the Uighur land under his empire, the Uighurs and Chen had a common enemy in the emperor. It is through these relationships with the Uighurs that Chen encounters the book and sword of the title. Although these two items are not directly related to his quest for the Manchu overthrow, they do lead him to two beautiful Uighur sisters and later painful choices between love for a woman and love for country.Those who have never read a wuxia novel are in for a surprise. Although frequent fight scenes featuring incredible acrobatics, swordmanship, and good old kung fu skills are present as expected, they are really not the most important part of the story. In fact, the book is very much like a typical Hong Kong movie where the movie director has never bothered to decide whether the movie is a comedy or drama, a kung fu spectacular or a tender love story, an uplifting message-filled narrative or horror movie. It is simply all of that and it switches between them at great speed. In this case, "The Book and the Sword" features several romantic pairings between leading characters. A theme central to all wuxia novels, that of loyalty, is tightly woven into the novel. Not just loyalty to the cause but also to the group and to one's kung fu master. The plot moves a mile a minute across various locales throughout China and spends quite a bit of time in the desert of Xinjiang, a area featured quite prominently in the "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" and "Hero" movies. Louis Cha clearly is a student of Chinese history and has interwoven several real life personalities of the time, including the legendary Fragrant Princess, an Uighur girl so enchantingly beautiful that she naturally smelled like flowers. The core of plot itself, that Qian Long was a Han Chinese, is a well-known but unsubstantiated rumor. I only wish that Cha had spent more time describing Qian Long's own struggle with his new found identity. At it is, he seems to be too eager to sweep it under the rug, which seems incongruous with the historical fact that he became a great emperor admired by all Chinese. In contrast, Cha presents Emperor Kang Xi (Qian Long's grandfather) in a more positive light in "The Deer and the Cauldron".In summary, we strongly recommend "The Book and the Sword" to all readers. The book is about 500 pages long which is much more accessible than the three-volume "The Deer and the Cauldron". The long wait has not been in vain. Now if they would just hurry up and finish translating the other twelve novels. In my lifetime.
Книга Ватерлоо Шарпа

Ватерлоо Шарпа

Корнуэлл Бернард
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